Hash functions in Cryptol 2
Hash Functions in Cryptol 2
Let us begin with some basic defintions:
More formally, we can express this with a type-signature in Cryptol’s polymorphic type system in the following way:
hashFunction : {n,a} (n >= 0) => a -> n -> [n]
What this says is that, the function hashFunction takes an arbitrary input of polymorphic type a, a length n bits and returns an stream of fixed length n bits with the co-domain constraint that n must be greater than or equal to zero.
Cyclic Redundancy Checks
Name | Length | Type |
crc16 | 16 bits | CRC |
crc32 | 32 bits | CRC |
crc64 | 64 bits | CRC |
The selection of generator polynomial is the most important part of implementing the CRC algorithm. The polynomial must be chosen to maximize the error-detecting capabilities while minimizing overall collision probabilities.
Suppose the generator polynomial is \(g(x) = p(x)(1 + x)\), where \(p(x)\) is a primtive polynomial of degree \(r-1\), then the maximum total block length is \(2^{r-1} - 1\). The code is then able to detect single, double, triple and any odd number of errors.
Table of common CRC polynomials
Name | Polynomial | Numerical Bit Representation |
CRC16-CCITT | \(x^{16} + x^12 + x^5 + 1\) | 0x1021 |
CRC-32 | \(x^{32} + x^{26} + x^{23} + x^{22} + x^{16} + x^{12} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1\) | 0x04C11DB7 |
CRC-64-ISO | \(x^{64} + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1\) | 0x000000000000001B |
Polynomials in \(GF(2^k)\) for some \(k\)
In Cryptol we have the following notation to representation a polynomial algebraically:
crc8 = <| x^^8 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
crc32 = <| x^^32 + x^^26 + x^^23 + x^^22 + x^^16 + x^^12 + x^^11 + x^^10 + x^^8 + x^^7 + x^^5 + x^^4 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
crc64 = <| x^^64 + x^^4 +x^^3 + x + 1 |>
A Cryptol implementation by vanila is given:
module crc where
crc1 : [2]
crc1 = <| x + 1 |> // parity test
crc8 : [9]
crc8 = <| x^^8 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
crc32 : [33]
crc32 = <| x^^32 + x^^26 + x^^23 + x^^22 + x^^16 + x^^12 + x^^11 + x^^10 + x^^8 + x^^7 + x^^5 + x^^4 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
bitstream str = [ b | c <- str, b <- c ]
crc poly text = pmod (bitstream text) poly
Name | Length | Type |
xor-8 | 8 bits | sum |
fletcher-4 | 4 bits | sum |
fletcher-8 | 8 bits | sum |
fletcher-16 | 16 bits | sum |
fletcher-32 | 32 bits | sum |
Adler-32 | 32 bits | sum |
Adler-32 is a checksum algorithm which was invented by Mark Adler in 1995, and is a modification of the Fletcher checksum.
Adler-32 is defined in the following way; Suppose some message M is of length n bytes, then the Adler-32 hash is:
\[ adler32(M) = a(M) + b(M) \mod 65521 \]
where the functions \(a\) and \(b\) are defined as recursion relations:
\[ \begin{align} a_k &= a_{k-1} + m_k \\ b_k &= b_{k-1} + a_k \end{align} \]
under the constraint \(1\leq k \leq n\) and initial conditions \(a_0 = 1 + m_0\) and \(b_0 = a_0\), where each \(m_i\) are the 8bit representation of each character in a given message string M. Here is a tabulation of the behaviour:
Input | \(a(m)\) | \(b(m)\) |
\(m_0\) | \(1 + m_0 = a_0\) | \(0 + a_0 = b_0\) |
\(m_1\) | \(a_0 + m_1 = a_1\) | \(b_0 + a_1 = b_1\) |
\(m_2\) | \(a_1 + m_2 = a_2\) | \(b_1 + a_2 = b_2\) |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
\(m_n\) | \(a_{n-1} + m_n = a_n\) | \(b_{n-1} + a_n = b_n\) |
We can then directly implement the Cryptol implementation as two recursive list comprehessions which are read modulo prime \(p=65521\) as the computed as the Adler-32 checksum as follows:
module adler32 where
adler32 : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
adler32 message = (as!0)%p + (bs!0)%p * 65536
p = 65521
as = [1] # [a + m | a <- as | m <- message]
bs = [0] # [a + b | a <- tail as | b <- bs]
// Test:
//adler32 [ zero # c | c <- "Wikipedia" ]
Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions
Name | Length | Type |
Pearson hashing | 8 bits | xor/table |
Zobrist hashing | variable | xor |
Bernstein hash | 32 bits | - |
Jenkins hash function | 32/64 bits | xor/addition |
Bernstein’s Hash
The Bernstein’s hash is defined by the following recursion relation:
\[ H_{k+1} = 33 * H_k + m_k : 0 \leq k < n \]
for some message M with length n bytes, with initial condition \(H_0=\) some numerical salt.
We can then directly implement the Cryptol implementation as a recursive list comprehessions:
module Bernstein where
// initial salt value = [0]
bernHash : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
bernHash message = (hs!0)
where hs = [0] # [33*h + m | h <- hs | m <- message]
// Test:
//bernHash [ zero # c | c <- "Wikipedia" ]
Suppose we would like to know if the hash has collisions, that is to say a non-injective function. A injection is defined as the condition, if \(f(x)=f(y) \Rightarrow x=y\). Hence we express the condition as so:
prop_injective x y = if bernHash x == bernHash y then x == y else True
Searching the entire state-space by randomised testing is fairly useless in Cryptography, as seen:
Bernstein> :check (prop_injective : [9][32] -> [9][32] -> Bit)
Using random testing.
passed 100 tests.
Coverage: 0.00% (100 of 2^^576 values)
Here we searched \(2^{576}\) possible values and found no problems, however our coverage is \(0.00\%\)! Rather than trying to search for values that make a function work we should search for values that do not as to obtain a contradition, if any. We may achieve this goal by using the SAT solver as follows:
Bernstein> :prove (prop_injective : [2][32] -> [2][32] -> Bit)
(prop_injective : [2][32] -> [2][32] -> Bit) [3020467164, 2155207698]
[1914480668, 4293023698] = False
and we have found a counter example!
Modified Bernstein’s Hash
The modified Bernstein’s hash replaces addition with XOR for the combining step. Hence the modified Bernstein’s hash is defined by the following recursion relation:
\[ H_{k+1} = 33 * H_k \oplus m_k : 0 \leq k < n \]
for some message M with length n bytes, with initial condition \(H_0=\) some numerical salt.
We can then directly imedately go to the Cryptol implementation:
module Bernstein where
// initial salt value = [0]
bernHash : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
bernHash message = (hs!0)
where hs = [0] # [33*h ^ m | h <- hs | m <- message]
Cryptographic Hash Functions
Name | Length | Type |
SHA-3 (Keccak) | arbitrary | Sponge function |
Skin | arbitrary | Unique Block Iteration |