Hash functions in Cryptol 2

Hash Functions in Cryptol 2

Let us begin with some basic defintions:

Defintion: A hash function is any function that maps data of arbitrary length to data of a fixed length.

More formally, we can express this with a type-signature in Cryptol’s polymorphic type system in the following way:

 hashFunction   :  {n,a}  (n >= 0) => a -> n -> [n]

What this says is that, the function hashFunction takes an arbitrary input of polymorphic type a, a length n bits and returns an stream of fixed length n bits with the co-domain constraint that n must be greater than or equal to zero.

Cyclic Redundancy Checks


Name Length Type
crc16 16 bits CRC
crc32 32 bits CRC
crc64 64 bits CRC

The selection of generator polynomial is the most important part of implementing the CRC algorithm. The polynomial must be chosen to maximize the error-detecting capabilities while minimizing overall collision probabilities.

Suppose the generator polynomial is \(g(x) = p(x)(1 + x)\), where \(p(x)\) is a primtive polynomial of degree \(r-1\), then the maximum total block length is \(2^{r-1} - 1\). The code is then able to detect single, double, triple and any odd number of errors.

Table of common CRC polynomials

Name Polynomial Numerical Bit Representation
CRC16-CCITT \(x^{16} + x^12 + x^5 + 1\) 0x1021
CRC-32 \(x^{32} + x^{26} + x^{23} + x^{22} + x^{16} + x^{12} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1\) 0x04C11DB7
CRC-64-ISO \(x^{64} + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1\) 0x000000000000001B

Polynomials in \(GF(2^k)\) for some \(k\)

In Cryptol we have the following notation to representation a polynomial algebraically:

 crc8  = <| x^^8 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
 crc32 = <| x^^32 + x^^26 + x^^23 + x^^22 + x^^16 + x^^12 + x^^11 + x^^10 + x^^8 + x^^7 + x^^5 + x^^4 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>
 crc64 = <| x^^64 + x^^4 +x^^3 + x + 1 |>

A Cryptol implementation by vanila is given:

 module crc where

 crc1 : [2]
 crc1 = <| x + 1 |> // parity test

 crc8 : [9]
 crc8  = <| x^^8 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>

 crc32 : [33]
 crc32 = <| x^^32 + x^^26 + x^^23 + x^^22 + x^^16 + x^^12 + x^^11 + x^^10 + x^^8 + x^^7 + x^^5 + x^^4 + x^^2 + x + 1 |>

 bitstream str = [ b | c <- str, b <- c ]

 crc poly text = pmod (bitstream text) poly



Name Length Type
xor-8 8 bits sum
fletcher-4 4 bits sum
fletcher-8 8 bits sum
fletcher-16 16 bits sum
fletcher-32 32 bits sum
Adler-32 32 bits sum


Adler-32 is a checksum algorithm which was invented by Mark Adler in 1995, and is a modification of the Fletcher checksum.

Adler-32 is defined in the following way; Suppose some message M is of length n bytes, then the Adler-32 hash is:

\[ adler32(M) = a(M) + b(M) \mod 65521 \]

where the functions \(a\) and \(b\) are defined as recursion relations:

\[ \begin{align} a_k &= a_{k-1} + m_k \\ b_k &= b_{k-1} + a_k \end{align} \]

under the constraint \(1\leq k \leq n\) and initial conditions \(a_0 = 1 + m_0\) and \(b_0 = a_0\), where each \(m_i\) are the 8bit representation of each character in a given message string M. Here is a tabulation of the behaviour:

Input \(a(m)\) \(b(m)\)
\(m_0\) \(1 + m_0 = a_0\) \(0 + a_0 = b_0\)
\(m_1\) \(a_0 + m_1 = a_1\) \(b_0 + a_1 = b_1\)
\(m_2\) \(a_1 + m_2 = a_2\) \(b_1 + a_2 = b_2\)
. . .
. . .
. . .
\(m_n\) \(a_{n-1} + m_n = a_n\) \(b_{n-1} + a_n = b_n\)

We can then directly implement the Cryptol implementation as two recursive list comprehessions which are read modulo prime \(p=65521\) as the computed as the Adler-32 checksum as follows:

module adler32 where

adler32 : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
adler32 message = (as!0)%p + (bs!0)%p * 65536
  p = 65521
  as = [1] # [a + m | a <- as | m <- message]
  bs = [0] # [a + b | a <- tail as | b <- bs]

// Test:
//adler32 [ zero # c | c <- "Wikipedia" ]
Thanks: I would just like to thank a vanila on the #cryptol freenode.net IRC channel for help with this one.

Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions


Name Length Type
Pearson hashing 8 bits xor/table
Zobrist hashing variable xor
Bernstein hash 32 bits -
Jenkins hash function 32/64 bits xor/addition

Bernstein’s Hash

The Bernstein’s hash is defined by the following recursion relation:

\[ H_{k+1} = 33 * H_k + m_k : 0 \leq k < n \]

for some message M with length n bytes, with initial condition \(H_0=\) some numerical salt.

We can then directly implement the Cryptol implementation as a recursive list comprehessions:

module Bernstein where

// initial salt value = [0]
bernHash : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
bernHash message = (hs!0)
  where hs = [0] # [33*h + m | h <- hs | m <- message]

// Test:
//bernHash [ zero # c | c <- "Wikipedia" ]

Suppose we would like to know if the hash has collisions, that is to say a non-injective function. A injection is defined as the condition, if \(f(x)=f(y) \Rightarrow x=y\). Hence we express the condition as so:

prop_injective x y = if bernHash x == bernHash y then x == y else True

Searching the entire state-space by randomised testing is fairly useless in Cryptography, as seen:

Bernstein> :check (prop_injective : [9][32] -> [9][32] -> Bit)
Using random testing.
passed 100 tests.
Coverage: 0.00% (100 of 2^^576 values)

Here we searched \(2^{576}\) possible values and found no problems, however our coverage is \(0.00\%\)! Rather than trying to search for values that make a function work we should search for values that do not as to obtain a contradition, if any. We may achieve this goal by using the SAT solver as follows:

Bernstein> :prove (prop_injective : [2][32] -> [2][32] -> Bit)
(prop_injective : [2][32] -> [2][32] -> Bit) [3020467164, 2155207698]
                                              [1914480668, 4293023698] = False

and we have found a counter example!

Modified Bernstein’s Hash

The modified Bernstein’s hash replaces addition with XOR for the combining step. Hence the modified Bernstein’s hash is defined by the following recursion relation:

\[ H_{k+1} = 33 * H_k \oplus m_k : 0 \leq k < n \]

for some message M with length n bytes, with initial condition \(H_0=\) some numerical salt.

We can then directly imedately go to the Cryptol implementation:

module Bernstein where

// initial salt value = [0]
bernHash : {n} (fin n) => [n][32] -> [32]
bernHash message = (hs!0)
  where hs = [0] # [33*h ^ m | h <- hs | m <- message]

Cryptographic Hash Functions


Name Length Type
SHA-3 (Keccak) arbitrary Sponge function
Skin arbitrary Unique Block Iteration
May 4, 2014