resetBuffer : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Reset internal Hardware FIFO.
See section 11.4.2; USB_EPA_CTL in datasheet.
@h is the device handle
Totality: total
Visibility: exportrecord IQ : Type
A IQ record contains the cartesian plane coordinates upon
the circle at a given time `t`. Both `(i, q)` are encoded
as `(Int16, Int16)` for a given sample.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: MkIQ : Int16 -> Int16 -> IQ
.iVal : IQ -> Int16
.qVal : IQ -> Int16
Num IQ
.iVal : IQ -> Int16
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export iVal : IQ -> Int16
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export .qVal : IQ -> Int16
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export qVal : IQ -> Int16
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export readSync : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Buffer -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR Int)
Read samples from the device synchronously.
@h is the device handle
@b is a buffer to write samples to
Totality: total
Visibility: exportReadAsyncFn : Type
Call callback closure type signature
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportreadAsync : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> ReadAsyncFn -> AnyPtr -> Int -> Int -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Read samples from the device asynchronously. This will block until
it is being canceled using `cancelAsync`.
@h is the device handle
@cbIO is the callback closure to received samples
@ctx is a user defined context to pass to the callback closure
@bn optional buffer count, buf_num * buf_len = overall buffer size
set to 0 for default buffer count (15)
@bl optional buffer length, must be multiple of 512,
should be a multiple of 16384 (URB size), set to 0
for default buffer length (16 * 32 * 512)
Totality: total
Visibility: exportcancelAsync : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Cancel all pending asynchronous operations on the device.
@h is the device handle
Totality: total
Visibility: export