getTunerGains : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR (List Int))
Get a list of gains supported by the tuner.
Each gain values is in tenths of a dB, 115 means 11.5 dB.
@h is the device handle
setTunerGain : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Int -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Set the gain for the device.
Manual gain mode must be enabled for this to work.
Valid gain values (in tenths of a dB) for the E4000 tuner:
-10, 15, 40, 65, 90, 115, 140, 165, 190,
215, 240, 290, 340, 420, 430, 450, 470, 490
Valid gain values may be queried with `getTunerGains`.
@h is the device handle
@g is in tenths of a dB, 115 means 11.5 dB.
setTunerBandwidth : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Int -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Set the bandwidth for the device.
@h is the device handle
@bw is the bandwidth in Hz. Zero means automatic BW selection.
getTunerGain : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR Int)
Get actual gain the device is configured to.
Returned gain is in tenths of a dB, 115 means 11.5 dB.
@h is the device handle
setTunerIFGain : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Int -> Int -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Set the intermediate frequency gain for the device.
@h is the device handle
@s is the stage intermediate frequency gain stage number (1 to 6 for E4000)
@g is the gain in tenths of a dB, -30 means -3.0 dB.
setTunerGainMode : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Bool -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Set the gain mode (automatic/manual) for the device.
Manual gain mode must be enabled for the gain setter function to work.
@h is the device handle
@t is the manual gain mode, `True` means manual gain mode shall be enabled.