getTunerType : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> TunerType
Get the tuner type.
@h is the device handle
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Visibility: exportsetOffsetTuning : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Bool -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Enable or disable offset tuning for zero-IF tuners, which allows to avoid
problems caused by the DC offset of the ADCs and 1/f noise.
@h is the device handle
@t toggles where False means disabled and True means enabled
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Visibility: exportgetOffsetTuning : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR Bool)
Get state of the offset tuning mode
@h is the device handle
Totality: total
Visibility: exportsetBiasTee : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Bool -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Enable or disable the bias tee on GPIO PIN 0.
@h is the device handle
@t is the toggle of `True` for Bias T on. `False` for Bias T off.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportsetBiasTeeGpio : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Int -> Bool -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Enable or disable the bias tee on the given GPIO pin.
@h is the device handle
@g is the gpio pin to configure as a Bias T control.
@t is the toggle of `True` for Bias T on. `False` for Bias T off.
Totality: total
Visibility: export