setSampleRate : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Int -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Set the sample rate for the device, also selects the baseband filters
according to the requested sample rate for tuners where this is possible.
@h is the device handle
@r is the sample rate to be set, possible values are:
225001 - 300000 Hz
900001 - 3200000 Hz
sample loss is to be expected for rates > 2400000
Totality: total
Visibility: exportgetSampleRate : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO Int
Get actual sample rate the device is configured to.
@h is the device handle
Totality: total
Visibility: exportsetAGCMode : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> Bool -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Enable or disable the internal digital AGC of the RTL2832.
@h is the device handle
@t is the toggle of digital AGC mode, True means enabled, False means disabled
Totality: total
Visibility: exportdata SamplingType : Type
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Hint: Show SamplingType
setDirectSampling : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> SamplingType -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR ())
Enable or disable the direct sampling mode. When enabled, the IF mode
of the RTL2832 is activated, and `setCenterFreq` will control
the IF-frequency of the DDC, which can be used to tune from 0 to 28.8 MHz
(xtal frequency of the RTL2832).
@h is the device handle
@t is the mode of `SampleType`
Totality: total
Visibility: exportgetDirectSampling : Ptr RtlSdrHandle -> IO (Either RTLSDR_ERROR (Maybe SamplingType))
Get state of the direct sampling mode
@h is the device handle
Totality: total
Visibility: export